Prevent is one of four strands of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy. Terrorist groups pose a threat to the UK and seek to radicalise and recruit people to their cause. Prevent aims to divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity. The aim of this policy is to outline our approach to supporting the national ‘Prevent’ agenda linked to the safeguarding of our staff and learners. To adhere to our legal obligations and to safeguard the health, well-being and safety of staff, learners and Apprentices, Ken Bate Associates Limited will: 1. Through its activities, systems and culture champion democratic values, rule of law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and the rights of all men and women to live free from persecution of any kind. 2. Work in partnership with “Partner” organisations including Colleges and funding bodies to seek advice, share intelligence and safeguard individuals. 3. Provide training and development for staff and learners to recognise signs of radicalisation and understand responsibilities and systems for reporting concerns; monitor this training through staff CPD records.

4. Provide training and information for employers to recognise signs of radicalisation and understand responsibilities and systems for reporting concerns.

We are responsible for providing a curriculum which:

5. Is broad and balanced, complies with statutory requirements and provides a wide range of learning which prepare learners for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in Modern Britain.
6. Actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.
7. Promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths, no faith and of different cultures through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of learners.
As a Work Based Training Provider we believe that we allow our Learners and Apprentices to develop and recognise right from wrong, resolve conflicts, understand and explore diversity, develop a moral code, understand others’ beliefs and understand how communities function. These qualities will prepare them for their next steps and allow them to participate fully in life in Modern Britain.


We recognise that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can lead to poor outcomes for learners. We want to prepare learners for life in modern Britain by developing an understanding of British Values.

National Prevent Strategy Objectives:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views;
  • Provide practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and violent extremism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  • Work with a wide range of sectors where there are risks of radicalisation which needs to be addressed, including education, criminal justice, faith, the internet and health.
  • Definitions

  • The following are commonly agreed definitions within the Prevent duty:
  • Ideology is a set of beliefs.
  • Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism that may lead to terrorism.
  • Safeguarding is the process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism related activity.
  • Terrorism is an action that endangers or causes serious violence, damage or disruption and is intended to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological agenda.
  • Vulnerability describes factors and characteristics associated with being susceptible to radicalisation.
  • Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

    • Equality and Diversity
    • Safeguarding
    • Health and Safety
    • The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015