Ken Bate Associates Limited acknowledges that the diversity of our staff, candidates and employer’s enables us to create a culture of equality of opportunity and fairness.


This policy document explains how we intend to meet our duties with regard to the provision of equality of opportunity regardless of Disability, Race, Age, Religion or Belief, and Sexual Orientation and Gender.


We believe that by promoting equality in respect of all six Equalities strands we will all share in the benefits that embracing diversity will bring. The six strands are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender (including sex, gender reassignment, marital status and equal pay)
  • Race (including colour, ethnic background, nationality, citizenship)
  • Religion or Belief
  • Sexual Orientation
  • We will encourage recognition that not everyone is the same and that it is the right and responsibility of everyone to treat others with respect and to contribute to a constructive learning and working environment which is free from discrimination, prejudice, harassment or victimisation.

    Our Equality Diversity & Inclusion Policy places an obligation on all staff and candidates to adhere to the principle of Equality of Opportunity for everyone.


    Our aim is to achieve equality diversity and inclusion across all areas of the company and service provisions. :

    Our objectives are to ensure that:

  • Everyone within and associated with Ken Bate Associates Limited recognizes the benefits that equality and diversity will bring to us
  • No-one suffers detriment of any kind because the actions of others
  • we create a positive environment where everyone can reach their full potential
  • Work and achieve their full potential without fear of discrimination, harassment or victimization.
  • We promote an open and inclusive culture where differences are acknowledged and respected and can be discussed openly
  • We operate within a policy of zero tolerance towards discrimination and harassment of any kind within our organization.
  • We work toward building a diverse workforce
  • It is the responsibility of every candidate, employer and member of staff to ensure that our ethos of equality, diversity and inclusion is simply recognised as the way in which everyone should behave.

    The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for and is committed to ensuring that Ken Bate Associates Limited meets its duty in respect of Equality Diversity and Inclusion.

    All staff are responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of our Equality and Diversity Policy.


    There are three pieces of legislation which impose positive duties upon us

  • Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005
  • Equality Act 2006
  • Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RR(A)A)
  • Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
  • Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
  • Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003.
  • Wherever possible we will ensure within our policies and procedures that we do not discriminate on the grounds of any of the six Equalities strands.


    Everyone within Ken Bate Associates Limited has the right to be treated fairly and with respect.

    We regard it as unacceptable to treat anyone less favourably on the grounds of their age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

    We expect anyone representing the company at external visits, events to be aware of their responsibility to treat others with respect and to ensure they do not discriminate or treat anyone less favourably on the grounds of their age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.


    On-going changes in legislation may require amendment to this policy.


    The regulations make it unlawful on the grounds of race to:

  • Discriminate directly against anyone because of their race, unless it can be objectively justified
  • Discriminate indirectly against anyone, i.e. apply a criterion, provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular race, unless it can be objectively justified
  • Subject someone to harassment
  • Victimise someone because they have made or intend to make a complaint or allegation STATEMENT ON DISCRIMINATION ON GROUNDS OF DISABILITY

    The regulations make it unlawful on the grounds of race to:

  • Discriminate directly against anyone because of their disability, unless it can be objectively justified
  • Discriminate indirectly against anyone, i.e. apply a criterion, provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular disability unless it can be objectively justified
  • Subject someone to harassment
  • Victimise someone because they have made or intend to make a complaint or allegation
    The legislation states that a person should not be subject to any of the following because of their religion or belief:

  • Direct Discrimination
  • Indirect Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Victimisation


    A person should not be subject to any of the following because of their sexual orientation:

  • Direct Discrimination
  • Indirect Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Victimisation

    The regulations make it unlawful on the grounds of gender to:

  • Discriminate directly against anyone because of their gender, unless it can be objectively justified.
  • Discriminate indirectly against anyone, i.e. apply a criterion, provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular gender, unless it can be objectively justified.
  • Subject someone to harassment
  • Victimise someone because they have made or intend to make a complaint or allegation

    Harassment is any unwanted behaviour deliberate or otherwise pertaining to one of the legally protected strands of legislation i.e. Age, Disability, Gender, Race, Religion or Belief or Sexual Orientation, which is directed at an individual or group that is found to be offensive or objectionable to that individual or group because it violates dignity, creates a hostile, intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. Such behaviour can include hostile or offensive acts or expressions by a person or group, or incitement to commit such an act. Harassment may include intentional bullying but may also be subtle or insidious.

    Some examples of harassment include:

  • Derogatory name-calling;
  • Insults and jokes;
  • Ridicule for differences;
  • Deliberate exclusion from normal workplace or social events;
  • Reference to an individual’s Age, Disability, Gender, Race, Religion/Belief or Sexual Orientation
  • Unfair allocation of work and responsibilities;
  • Derogatory actions, statements, jokes, taunts or reference to an individual’s Age, Disability, Gender, Race, Religion/Belief or Sexual Orientation
  • Insulting behaviour or gestures, physical threats or assault;
  • Incitement of others to commit to any of the above.

    It is unlawful to treat an individual less favourably because they are known to have, or suspected of having:

  • Made a complaint
  • Planned to make a complaint
    o Supported someone else who has made or is planning to make a Complaint
    An employer can set requirements that are directly discriminatory (in terms of Age or gender, provided that it is a:

  • Proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
  • Both direct or indirect discrimination can be objectively justified

    The regulations make it unlawful on the grounds of age to:

  • Discriminate directly against anyone because of their age, unless it can be objectively justified
  • Discriminate indirectly against anyone, i.e. apply a criterion, provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular age, unless it can be objectively justified
  • Subject someone to harassment
  • Victimise someone because they have made or intend to make a complaint or allegation

    • All staff to receive a copy of this policy.
    • This policy will be updated as and when the Act is changed.
    • This policy will be revisited annually